Easy-PhotoPrint Pro
Color Mode: No check for "Grayscale Photo"
If you changed the default grayscale tone,
select the "Color" mode to accurately
reflect your desired colors.
A "Toning effect" is provided when selecting "Monochrome" in Digital Photo
Professional Picture Style. This function adjusts the image colors to monotones
of sepia, blue, purple or green. When using this function, or setting to a
monotone color with Photoshop
CS/CS2, print with the Color Mode, not with
"Grayscale Photo," to accurately reflect your intended color on the final print.
Print with the Color Mode
A sepia image printed
in "Color Mode"
A sepia image printed
with a check mark applied to
"Grayscale Photo"
Do not apply a check mark to
"Grayscale Photo."
Toning effect: SepiaToning effect: None
Digital Photo Professional Picture Style
Toning effect: Purple
Toning effect: GreenToning effect: Blue
Printed in black and whitePrinted with the intended toning
Use Grayscale mode in the Picture Style
to print image data using preferred tones, such as with sepia,
with the colors as they are (Toning effect(On)).
Easy-PhotoPrint Pro