Easy-PhotoPrint Pro
Printing B/W photographs as beautiful artworks
Easy-PhotoPrint Pro
B/W Print with Margins
The beauty of margins
Most of the B/W photographs on display for viewing pleasure in art
museums and galleries have wide margins. Without question, presenting the
photograph itself is singularly the most important aspect of viewing B/W
photographs as pieces of artistic expression. It should be noted, however,
that at the same time, the use of the margins framing a photograph is also
immeasurably important and the delicate balance between a photograph
and its margins dramatically affects the impression and overall atmosphere
a piece can possess. Margins are essential in expertly depicting textures, if
using the special material quality of the paper itself, such as that found in
fine art paper. Other advantages of having margins around a photograph are
that they can be used to describe the name of the piece, and the date it was
captured, or they can be used for tacking up a photograph on a wall without
having to damage the image itself.
Provides a function for creating calculated margins
As anyone who has experienced photofinishing B/W film in a darkroom will
tell you, normally the size of the margin is adjusted on a photograph by
setting the developing paper at the desired size in the easel mask. Easy-
PhotoPrint Pro is provided a function for setting where to arrange your
image on the paper by allowing you the same kind of freedom in expressing
margins above, below and right and left of the final printout. There are three
methods for setting margins. This provides every level of user with expert
capabilities in photo reproduction, for every desired end result. (Note that
functions also output high quality color photographs.)
Getting the right margin for your photographs
Example of Fine Art Paper Photo
Expanded top right providing a
margin expertly brings out the
paper texture
When printing in grayscale, we recommend printing with the top and bottom margins of the paper set to
more than 45 mm/1.77 inches. Depending on an image, without these margins, the printing troubles may
occur on the top and/or bottom edges of the paper such as uneven coloration or white streaks, and the
print quality may be degraded. A setting method for 45 mm/1.77 inches margins is outlined below.
Margin Setting Method 1
[Layout Selection Function]
This is the easiest method for setting [Bordered full [Margin 45]] using the
layout selection feature on Easy-PhotoPrint Pro. One, easy click automatically
reduces the image size so that the short edge margins are 45 mm/1.77 inch.
45 mm
45 mm