print "Intvl Begins:", q/60; "min", q%60; "sec"
sleep 930
next m
UBASIC/Scripts: Lightning script -- Fudgey
Written for/on: Powershot S5 IS
Also works on: A540, A550, A590 so far.
Doesn't work on: A720 IS and some others.
This is basically a very fast and responsive motion detection script. This will definitely solve your
problems if you want to catch lightning, (thus the title) or anything fast, however some objects will blur
when the light conditions are insufficient. Enjoy this script!
Script Code (save as "Lightning script.bas" to your /CHDK/SCRIPTS/ folder)
rem Author: fudgey - based on BarneyFife's MD Lightning6 and MLuna's Motion Detect
rem Tested on A570IS, Allbest build 16
rem For bursts, set the camera in continuous shooting mode and set j>0
rem If j>0 in single shot mode, you will see your shot for j seconds on screen.
@title Fast MD with Burst/Preview 080205
@param a Columns
@default a 6
@param b Rows
@default b 4
@param c Threshold (0-255)
@default c 10
@param d Compare Interval (ms)
@default d 1
@param e Trigger Delay (0.1 sec)
@default e 42
@param f Rows to Exclude
@default f 0
@param g Pix-Step(speed/accuracy adj)
@default g 8
@param h Reg Mode(0-no,1-incl,2-excl)
@default h 0
@param i Measure Mode (1-Y,0-U,2-V)
@default i 1
@param j Burst/Preview (sec,0=off)
@default j 0
if a<1 then a=1
if b<1 then b=1
if c<0 then c=0
if g<1 then g=1
if f<1 then f=1
if j<0 then j=0