! CHDK Introduction
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Welcome to CHDK, for users of Canon Point and Shoot Cameras
Q. What is the CHDK program?
A. CHDK enhances the capabilities of your camera in a non-destructive, non-permanent way.
! After loading of CHDK program your camera will have the following extra functionality:
! •! Shutter-priority (Tv) exposure - via shutter value override feature
! •! Aperture-priority (Av) exposure - via aperture value override feature
Shooting in RAW, with RAW Average, RAW Sum, and RAW Develop features,
! save as .DNG (Digital Negative for wider compatibility)
! •! Live histogram (RGB, blended, luminance and for each RGB channel)
! •! Zebra mode (a live view of over and under-exposed areas of your picture)
Depth-of-field (DOF)-calculator, Hyperfocal-calculator with instant Hyperfocal and
Infinity focus-set, and more
! •! Battery indicator
! •! RAW and Video space-remaining gauges with custom low-limit alerts
! •! USB cable and wireless remote shutter release
Motion-detection trigger - automatically fires camera on motion detection. (Able to
capture lightning strikes.)
! •! Customizable high-speed continuous (burst) Shutter-based (Tv), aperture-based (Av) and
! ! ISO-based exposure bracketing (unlimited shots)
! •! Focus bracketing (unlimited shots)
! •! Adjustable Video quality and size (compression) adjustable while recording
! •! Elimination of 1 GB video-size limit (for many DigicII cameras)
! •! Zoom during video function (for cameras without this feature)
! •! Shutter, Aperture, and ISO Overrides
! •! Ultra-long shutter speeds - up to 64 seconds (much longer for supported cameras)
! •! Ultra-fast shutter speeds - up to 1/10,000" and higher
! •! High-speed Flash Sync at all speeds up to 1/64,000 of a second
! •! Custom user-editable visible Grids for framing, cropping, and alignment
! •! File browser
! •! Text reader
! •! Calendar
! •! Games"
! •! Fully customizable CHDK display, info placement, user-colors, fonts in menus, etc.
! •! Custom CHDK User Menu (for instant recall of up to 10 favorite functions)
! •! Scripts execution - including exposure bracketing, focus bracketing, intervalometer, etc
! •! And other features too numerous to mention here.