Adjusting the Color Balance (Expert Mode)
In expert mode, the color balance tab can be used to adjust the RGB balance in 24-
Bit Color and 36-Bit Color images.
Color Balance Tab
Change the settings with the slider or by directly inputting values into the boxes.
You can save and reload the settings.
Click the [Image] menu and
select [Adjust] or click the
[Adjust] button.
Color Balance Tab
Click the Color Balance Tab and adjust
the color balance.
Dragging the slider tab or clicking the arrows
changes the settings. (-127~+127)
Values corresponding to the positions of the
slider tabs display here. Values can also be
directly input into the boxes without dragging
the slider tabs.
Loads settings from files with the extension
[.adc] for color images.
Saves settings to a file with the extension
[.adc] for color images.
Cancels the settings and closes the dialog.
Accepts the settings and closes the dialog.
Resets all the settings to the initial values.
Restores the color balance to the initial values.
Step 3 • Adjusting Images