Step 1 • Basic Procedures
Menu Bar
CanoCraft FS Menu Commands
Menu Bar Pull-Down Menus
All CanoCraft FS commands can be accessed from the pull-down menus on the
menu bar.
File (F)
Opens an existing file for display in the preview window
Closes the image in the preview window
Performs a preview scan
Performs a scan
Saves the scanned image
Saves the file under a different name
Sets facsimile transmission settings, such as document size, number of copies
and resolution
Sends the scanned image as a fax
Sets printer settings, such as document size, coloring and printing method
Prints the scanned image (shortcut key: Ctrl+P)
Closes CanoCraft FS (shortcut key: Ctrl+Q)
Edit (E)
Reverses the last action (shortcut key: Ctrl+Z)
Restores a reversed action (shortcut key: Ctrl+Y)
Reverses all actions
Copies the selection to the clipboard (shortcut key: Ctrl+C)
Deletes the clipboard contents
Settings (S)
Sets the film type
Sets the scanning mode
Sets, adds and deletes output resolution settings (shortcut key: Ctrl+R)
Changes the scan speed and adjusts the exposure setting
Sets the autofocus/manual focus setting
Sets the preferences for automated functions when scanning or exiting
Resets settings to the factory defaults
(The same menu can be displayed by clicking the [Settings] button.)