
General Configuration Using Local Management
142 CSX400 and CSX400-DC User’s Guide
Community Name Displays the user-defined names through which a user accesses the
CSX400 Local Management. Any community name entered here acts as a password to Local
Access Policy Indicates the access status accorded each community name. Possible status
conditions are:
read-only This access level allows reading of device parameters not including community
read-write This access level allows editing of some device configuration parameters not
including changing or viewing community names.
super-user This access level allows full management privileges.
Setting SNMP Community Names
To set a community name, perform the following steps:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the community name you want to change.
2. Type the new community name and press ENTER. The old community name is replaced by the
new community name.
3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command field.
4. Press ENTER. The Event Message field at the top of the screen displays “SAVED OK”.
If you edit the super-user community name, be certain you do not forget it. If you do, you
cannot perform Local Management functions without returning the device to its factory
default configurations. This effectively erases any configuration work you have done.