
Working with Cut-outs 10-5
Hint! You can change some existing print objects to cut out objects and
vice-versa, by going to the General tab on the objects
Properties screen and choosing the appropriate option. See
Changing object properties on page 7-32 for instructions.
To create a cut out object
1. From the Editor window (shown in A sample Editor window
with cut bounding box displayed. on page 10-10), choose Insert
2. On the Insert Object screen (Figure 10-1), choose Cut out object.
3. Select the type of object you want to cut out. The type you choose
determines the screen you will see next:
If you choose:
Youll see:
Text object The Enter Text screen (Figure 7-3 on
page 7-6). You can choose from these
fonts for cut out text objects:
Arial 65 for BRC
Arial for BRC
Times New Roman for BRC.
Only normal text is supported. Cut out
text may not be bolded, italicized, or
Variable Text object The Data Source screen, shown in
Figure 7-6 on page 7-12 and described
in Choosing a data source on page 7-
Graphic object The Graphics screen, shown in
Figure 7-13 on page 7-22, with special
options for cut out graphics listed.
HotShape object The HotShapes screen, shown in
Figure 7-14 on page 7-24,