6-30 Changing Labels
Set custom
Check this option to set a custom label
width. Enter the new width in the entry
field. The value entered must be less than
the maximum printable width appropriate
for the installed tape, because unlike the
default width, this value indicates the total
output width, with no margins applied. This
means that the printable area will equal the
amount you specify here. (See Checking
Size on page 11-11 for more discussion on
this topic.)
With the Monocolor and the Multicolor
systems, the label prints with dashed lines
that indicate the label’s dimensions.
With the Color & Cut system, the label is cut
around its outside dimensions.
Note: Objects previously placed on the
label keep their original size when
you resize a label using this feature.
You must manually resize any
objects that no longer fit within the
new label size. For information on
resizing objects, see Sizing
Objects on page 7-27.
This option is not available when Match
tape width is enabled. When Match tape
width is enabled, the value in this field
shows the current width of the label for
display only.