
Printer-Applicator-System PAM 300038
Overview of the Setup Parameters
Country Country setting : LCD display language
Formats of date and time
Measuring unit ( USA: inch, all other: mm)
Deutschland France
United Kingdom
USA Schweiz Suisse
Belgie Suomi Italia España
Ceska republica
Transfer Print Setting of the print mode : Direct Thermal or Thermal Transfer
On Off
Label sensor Setting of the label recognizing method
Gap sensor Bottom-Reflect Top-Reflect
Peel position This function is not usable for PAM 3000.
+ x.x mm - x.x mm
± x.? mm ± x.? mm
± ?.x mm ± ?.x mm
Heat level Basic adjustment of the darkness (depending on the printhead)
"-9" indicates the lightest and "+9" indicates the darkest setting.
+ x - x
Interface Setting of the interface type
RS-232C RS-422 RS-485 Centronics
Baud rate Baud rate Baud rate
Protocol Protocol
Network address
Printhead pos. The parameter defines the location of the print image on the label.
X: x.x mm
X: x.? mm
X: ?.x mm
Y: + y.y mm Y: - y.y mm
Y: ± y.? mm Y: ± y.? mm
Y: ± ?.y mm Y: ± ?.y mm
Offset of the print image across the transport direction
Offset of the print image in transport direction