BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC10000–BMC10099 23
BMC10034S Default subsystem name(<name>) not consistent with subsystem being
initialized. <bmcpid>
Explanation: An attempt was made to change the name of the BMCP during a
restart operation. <name> indicates the default name of the BMCP.
System Action: The BMCP is terminated.
User Response: Restart the BMCP, and specify the correct
SUBSYSID parameter.
Use the subsystem ID that is appended to this message.
BMC10038S Subsystem initialization process terminated. <bmcpid>
Explanation: The initialization process is being terminated due to one or more
previous errors. Messages have been issued identifying the problem(s) encountered
during the initialization process.
System Action: The BMCP is terminated.
User Response: See the User Response for the message(s) issued prior to this
BMC10040S Default module address via SVC(<svcaddress>) not consistent with
SSVT(<ssvtaddress>). <bmcpid>
Explanation: The address of a common area module returned by the SVC
routine is not consistent with the address contained in the subsystem vector table
(SSVT). This condition usually indicates that a storage overlay in the common
service area (CSA) has occurred. <svcaddress> and <ssvtaddress> indicate the
inconsistent module addresses.
System Action: The BMCP is terminated.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support. An SVC dump of the
common areas (CSA, LPA, NUC, and SQA) may be required for diagnostic
BMC10044E SVCUPDTE service request for ESR SVC(<address>) failed,
R15(<returncode>). <bmcpid>
Explanation: The attempt to insert the BMCP’s service routine into the SVC for
the operating system has failed. <address> indicates the SVC address where the error
occurred. <returncode> indicates the generated return code.
System Action: The BMCP initialization process is terminated.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support. An SVC dump of the
common areas (CSA, LPA, NUC, and SQA) may be required for diagnostic