BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC44200–BMC44299 93
18 A utility region (ULU) or IMS Batch Backout utility execution that was not
invoked by the execution controller has abended. It is not possible for BCF
processing to recover from this situation. The execution controller requests
manual intervention, but it does not protect the environment from restart. If
the Delete Volume Records option is specified as Y, the log volume records
created by the utility region execution will be deleted from the REGISET.
Restart or recovery from the unsuccessful utility execution is the
responsibility of the site.
System Action: The job step terminates abnormally.
User Response: An error has occurred that requires manual intervention to create a
restartable environment. See the section on manual intervention in the BATCH
CONTROL FACILITY Reference Manual for more information. After intervening
manually, update the REGISET.
The job log data set for the job step execution contains additional messages about the
failure. The problem determination and recovery actions taken depend on the error
indicated by these additional messages. Have the job log data set available if you
need to contact BMC Software Product Support for assistance.
If DBRC is being used, the presence of a subsystem record and database allocation
records may indicate the need for execution of the IMS Batch Backout utility.
DSN = dsn
Explanation: An error has occurred while attempting allocation for a function
needed by the execution controller. The message contains the allocation type being
attempted (type), the ddname, and the data set name (dsn) associated with the
allocation attempt.
The following type values are possible:
log data set exchange for the log data set(s)
database backout processing using the IMS Batch Backout utility
log data set recovery using the IMS Log Recovery utility
preparation to allow execution of the application
System Action: Message BMC44240I is also issued; it contains the details of the
MVS SVC99 error that occurred.