SSID Selection Select the SSID that the security settings will apply to.
Broadcast SSID If Disabled, the device will not broadcast the SSID. It will be invisible to wireless clients.
Wi-Fi Multi-Media is a Quality of Service protocol which prioritizes traffic in
the order according to voice, video, best effort, and background.
Note that in certain situations, WMM needs to be enabled to achieve 11n transfer speeds.
Encryption The encryption method to be applied.
You can choose from WEP, WPA pre-shared key or WPA RADIUS.
• Disabled - no data encryption is used.
• WEP - data is encrypted using the WEP standard.
• WPA-PSK - data is encrypted using the WPA-PSK standard. This is a later standard than WEP, and
provides much better security than WEP. If all your Wireless stations support WPA-PSK, you should use
WPA-PSK rather than WEP.
• WPA2-PSK - This is a further development of WPA-PSK, and offers even greater security, using the AES
(Advanced Encryption Standard) method of encryption.
• WPA-RADIUS - This version of WPA requires a Radius Server on your LAN to provide the client
authentication according to the 802.1x standard. Data transmissions are encrypted using the
WPA standard.
If this option is selected:
• ThisAccessPointmusthavea“clientlogin”ontheRadiusServer.
• Eachusermusthavea“userlogin”ontheRadiusServer.
• Eachuser’swirelessclientmustsupport802.1xandprovidethelogindatawhenrequired.
• AlldatatransmissionsareencryptedusingtheWPAstandard.Keysareautomaticallygenerated,sono
key input is required