DDNS Services work as follows:
1. You must register for the service at one of
the listed DDNS Service providers.
2. After registration, use the Service provider’s normal
procedure to obtain your desired Domain name.
3. Enter your DDNS data on the F9K1004’s DDNS
screen, and enable the DDNS feature.
4. The Wireless Router will then automatically ensure
that your current IP Address is recorded at the DDNS
service provider’s Domain Name Server.
5. From the Internet, users will be able to connect
to your Virtual Servers (or DMZ PC) using your
Domain name, as shown on this screen.
Dynamic DNS
Dynamic DNS Check this box to Enable the DDNS feature.
Server Address: Select the list of Dynamic DNS homes you would like to use from this list.
Username / Password: Enter the Username and Password of your DDNS account.