Alternate Setup Method
6. Encapsulation – Select your encapsulation type here.
(Supplied by your ISP)
VC-MUX: PPPOA Virtual Circuit Multiplexer (null encapsulation)
allows only one protocol running per virtual circuit with fewer
LLC: PPPoA Logical Control allows multiple protocols running
over one virtual circuit (more overhead).
7. MTU – Enter the MTU value for your ISP.
8. Disconnect after x minutes of no activity – Check the box
and enter the number of minutes when you want the Router
to auto-disconnect after no activity. After this time has been
exceeded, the connection will be terminated.
Click “Apply Changes” to save and activate your settings. To go back to
the original settings before saving, click “Clear Changes”; or click any of the
quick-navigation links for other options. Your new settings will not be saved
unless you click “Apply Changes”.