Connecting and Configuring your Router
1. Internet Connection
This icon shows you when the Router is connected to
the Internet.
OFF No Internet connection has
been detected
Solid White Router is connected to the Internet
Blinking White Internet connection was detected;
Router is not currently able to connect
to the Internet
2. ADSL Connection
This icon shows you when the Router is connected to the
ADSL line.
OFF Not connected to the ADSL line
Solid White Router is connected to ADSL line and
functioning properly
Blinking White Problem with ADSL connection (such as
physical connection failure, etc.)
3. Router Wireless State
This icon indicates whether or not wireless is enabled.
Router showing wireless
connection (with curved-lines
Router is ON with wireless
enabled and ready for use
with wireless and wired
Router showing wired
connection (without curved-
lines illustration)
Router is ON with wireless
disabled and ready for use
with only wired devices
4. Wired Computers
This icon indicates if there are any wired connections present.
OFF Wired device not present
Solid White Wired device(s) connected to the Router