Double N+ Wireless Router
Table of Contents
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What’s the difference between 802.11g and draft 802.11n?
Currently there are three commonly used wireless networking standards, which transmit data at very different maximum speeds. Each is based on
the designation for certifying network standards. The most common wireless networking standard, 802.11g, can transmit information up to 54Mbps;
802.11a also supports up to 54Mbps, but in the 5GHz frequency; and 802.11n draft specification can connect at up to 300Mbps. See the following
chart for more detailed information.
Belkin Wireless Comparison Chart
Wireless Technology G
(1x1 draft 802.11n)
(draft 802.11n with MIMO)
(draft 802.11n with MIMO)
Speed/Data Rate* Up to 54Mbps* Up to 150Mbps* Up to 300Mbps* Up to 300Mbps*
Frequency Common household devices such
as cordless phones and microwave
ovens may interfere with the
unlicensed band 2.4GHz
Common household devices such
as cordless phones and microwave
ovens may interfere with the
unlicensed band 2.4GHz
Common household devices
such as cordless phones and
microwave ovens may interfere
with the unlicensed band 2.4GHz
Common household devices such
as cordless phones and microwave
ovens may interfere with the
unlicensed band 2.4GHz
Compatibility Compatible with 802.11b/g Compatible with 802.11b/g, draft
802.11n, and Belkin G+ MIMO
Compatible with draft 802.11n**
and 802.11b/g
Compatible with draft 802.11n** and
Coverage* Up to 400 ft.* Up to 600 ft.* Up to 1,200 ft.* Up to 1,400 ft.*
Advantage Common—widespread use for
Internet sharing
Better coverage and consistent
speed and range
Enhanced speed and coverage Leading edge— best coverage and
*Distance and connection speeds will vary depending on your networking environment.
**This Router is compatible with products based on the same version of the draft 802.11n specifications and may require a software upgrade for best results.