
Using the software
To Enter a Destination by Intersection
1. Tap Menu, Destinations, Intersection.
2. Tap Change to select the state in which to search.
3. Tap either Street First to enter the street name first or City First to enter the city name first.
If you've selected Street First
4. Enter street name and tap OK.
(!) Advisory - DO NOT ENTER STREET TYPE. For Main Street just enter Main.
5. Enter the name of the cross street and tap OK.
(!) Advisory - DO NOT ENTER STREET TYPE. For Main Street just enter Main.
6. From the match list, select the desired intersection.
7. Tap Nav to navigate to this location or;
8. Tap Fav to add this location to your Favourites list or;
9. Tap Map to set this location as your starting point and see the location on the map.