Q: Can someone track me with it?
A: No. People cannot track your movements. However, if you record
a track, the track file will indicate your movement. If you do not wish
other to know past locations, do not share the track files.
Q: What areas do the maps cover?
A: The maps cover most areas in Europe.
Q: How much extra memory do I need?
A: Memory requirement depends on how much maps data you want to load
on your handheld. Typically, a 128 MB storage card is recommended.
Q: Does it work with my Palm device?
A: No. This software runs on most Pocket PC operation system devices.
Q: Can I use this software with my old GPS receiver?
A: No. This software is intended for use with the bundled hardware.
No other GPS receivers are supported.
Q: Will it work in another country? Canada, Mexico, Japan, England?
A: While GPS can provide positional coordinate for the earth's surface as long as the receiver
has a clear view of the sky (and the GPS satellites). However, maps, navigation and routing
are only provided in Europe within the map coverage areas.