
2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
then Directed Electronics, Inc.'s 522T trunk release solenoid can be
added in most cases.
PPoowweerr WWiinnddooww CCoonnttrrooll::
Automatic power window control is provid-
ed with the 529T and 530T systems. These options operate power
windows, by rolling them up, down, or both up and down. The 530T
also offers one-touch switch operation.
SSttaarrtt SSyysstteemm::
For the ultimate in convenience, the Valet®
Start System can start your vehicle, monitor engine functions and
activate your climate control system with a push of a button! Over-
rev protection, open-hood lockout, brake pedal shutoff and
automatic timer shutoff are included. (This option is available only
for fuel-injected, automatic-transmission vehicles.)
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn OOppttiioonnss
Installation options may require additional parts or labor. Please
consult your dealer.
IInntteerriioorr LLiigghhtt IIlllluummiinnaattiioonn::
The interior domelight can be config-
ured to illuminate for 30 seconds after the alarm is disarmed. If
the system is rearmed during that 30-second period, the interior
light illumination will terminate until the alarm is disarmed again.
This option may require a relay to be added to some vehicles.