2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg OOppttiioonnss
Programming options control your system's normal, operational
set-up. Most options do not require additional parts, but some may
require installation labor.
This system's programming options are listed below, with the fac-
tory default settings in
AAccttiivvee aarrmmiinngg
(only with the remote) or passive arming (automat-
ic arming 30 seconds after the last vehicle door is closed).
AAccttiivvee ddoooorr lloocckkiinngg
(only when arming with the remote) or
passive door locking (selectable only when Passive Arming
has been programmed).
■ Arming and disarming confirmation siren chirps can be pro-
or off.
■ Ignition controlled door lock feature,
or off. With this fea-
ture on, the doors will lock three seconds after the ignition
key is turned on, and unlock when the ignition is turned off.
The system also prevents the doors from locking when the
ignition is turned on while any vehicle door is open.