
M7310 Telephone User Guide Page 64
- Issue 02a (03 October 2011)IP Office
12. Button Programming
The programmable buttons on your phone can be assigned a range of functions. You cannot override the function of
buttons configured as appearance buttons for calls by your system administrator. Also your administrator can apply
templates to your phone which set the function of specific buttons.
There are a number of methods that you can use for button programming:
· Button Inspect : Feature *0
See the function currently set on a button.
· Auto Dial Button : Feature *1
Store a number to be dialed by the button when it is pressed.
· User Button (Internal Auto Dial) : Feature *2
Store another user's extension number to be dialed when the button is pressed. The button's icon will flash when
the other user has a call alerting them. When that is the case, pressing the button answers their call. When the icon
is steady the user is busy.
· Feature Button : Feature *3
Set a button to invoke a Feature code.
· Function Button : Feature *3*
Set a button to invoke a selected telephone system function.
· Default Buttons : Feature *3**
You can return the function of certain buttons back to their default for this type of phone.
· Erase a Button : Feature *1 Hold
You can use the auto dial programming process but with a number to erase the current programming of a button.
You system administrator can see and edit your button settings. They can also apply functions that you cannot program.
Note that button user templates can be applied which will lock the function of certain button even if you try to change
12.1 Button Inspection
You can check the current function set on a programmable button.
Press Feature *0.
Press a button. The button's function , if any, is displayed.