
M7310 Telephone User Guide Page 46
- Issue 02a (03 October 2011)IP Office
8. Voicemail
If enabled, voicemail is used to answer calls to you that have rung unanswered for your "no answer time", the default is
15 seconds. It is also used to answer calls when you have do not disturb enabled.
Default Short Codes
Short codes are numbers that you can dial from any types of phone on the telephone system. The following are default
short codes that may be available on your system.
· Check Messages: *17
Access mailboxes to check for messages.
· Voicemail On: *18
Allow voicemail to be used to answer calls.
· Voicemail Off: *19
Stop voicemail being used to answer calls.
· Voicemail Ringback On: *48
Have voicemail ring your phone when you have any new messages. It will call when you use the phone.
· Voicemail Ringback Off: *49
Switch off ringback.
8.1 Message Waiting Indication
The phone does not have a message waiting lamp. The icon of a programmable button programmed to Feature 65
will act as a message waiting indicator for new messages. That button can then also be used to access the mailbox.
8.2 Checking Messages
Press Feature 65 or Feature 981.
· Depending on how your voicemail system is configured, you may be asked to entered your voicemail code.
Follow the voice prompts provided by the system. For help press either 8 or *4.
Automatic Message Deletion
By default, messages are automatically deleted a set time after being played. The delay depends on the particular
voicemail server (24 hours for embedded voicemail, 30 days for Voicemail Pro). For voicemail messages on a
Voicemail Pro system, the system administrator can customize the delay and can also apply automatic deletion
times to new and saved messages.
8.3 Send a Call to Voicemail
You can redirect a call to voicemail without answering the call. This only applies for call to you, not calls to a group of
which you are a member.
Press the To VM soft key or if your phone is idle press the Release button.The call is redirected to voicemail.