6 Maintaining Your System
Adding Lines, Pools, and Extensions 85
Quick Reference Guide
Adding New Pools
You can create new pools if your system is operating in Hybrid mode. If you add
outside lines for use in a new pool, you may need to use the following features:
• Dial Mode (#201) if the new lines are rotary lines
• Pool Line Assignment (#207) to assign lines to the new pool
• Pool Extension Assignment (#314) to assign the new pool to specific
• Line Ringing to specify when the new pool starts ringing at each extension
that has the pool
• Pool Access Restriction (#315) to limit an extension’s access to all the
lines in the new pool
• Automatic Line Selection to add the new pool to the extension’s
Automatic Line Selection sequence
Adding New Extensions
If you add an extension to your system, you can probably use Copy Settings
(#399) to copy the settings of an existing extension.
Swapping Extensions
If a user changes location but wants to keep the same extension number, you
can make the change easily by changing the connection at the control unit.
For example, if the users at extensions 29 and 32 switch offices, you can
disconnect the modular plugs from those extension jacks in the control unit. Then
reconnect the plug from 32 into extension jack 29 and the plug from 29 into
extension jack 32. Now the users can take their respective telephones to their
new locations, keep the same extension numbers, and retain the telephones’
programmed settings.
In some cases, some system parameters may also need to be
changed, i.e., pool extension assignments, when swapping extensions.