
6 Maintaining Your System
84 Adding Lines, Pools, and Extensions
Quick Reference Guide
The system automatically assigns the new line as the last line in the
Automatic Line Selection sequence. If you want to change the order, use
Automatic Line Selection.
Pooled Extensions
You can add new lines to existing pools if your system is configured for Hybrid
mode. To assign a new line to a pooled extension as an individual line, use the
features in “Key Extensions” above.
If you add a line to your system for use in an existing pool, use Dial Mode (#201)
if the new line is a rotary line and Pool Line Assignment (#207) to add the line to
an existing pool.
Do not use Number of Lines (#104) if you add lines to the system
after initial setup because it changes Line Assignment (#301), Line
Access Restriction (#302), Automatic Line Selection, and Line
Ringing for existing lines back to factory settings. To add a new line
without affecting other settings, use Line Assignment (#301).
Do not use Number of Lines (#104) if you add lines to the system after
initial setup because it changes Pool Line Assignment (#207), Pool
Extension Assignment (#314), Pool Access Restriction (#315),
Automatic Line Selection, and Line Ringing for existing pools back to
factory settings. Additionally, it changes Line Assignment (#301), Line
Access Restriction (#302), Automatic Line Selection, and Line Ringing
for individual lines back to factory settings. To change pool
assignments without affecting other settings, use Pool Line Assignment
(#207) and Pool Extension Assignment (#314).