To assign a toll restriction
1 At
Action = , enter 14.
2 At Data = , enter a toll class number, 0-4, from the
following list (the default is 0):
0 - Not toll restricted
1 - Toll call allowed lists 1-4
2 - Toll call allowed lists 2-4
3 - Toll call allowed lists 3-4
4 - Toll call allowed list 4 (only)
To assign an ARS Facility
1 At
Action = , enter 15.
Restriction Level (FRL)
2 At
Data = , enter the FRL number, 0-3, from the following
list (the default is 3):
Allowed FRL Pools
1 - 0,1
2- 0,1,2
Line Preference: To
assign ringing line
1 At
Action = , enter 5. †
2 At Data = , enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 1@.
To assign prime line
1 At
Action = , enter 6.
2 At
Data = , enter the button on which this line appears
(the preferred button number), or enter 0 for no line
preference. The default is 7. (See the “Multiline Set
Button Defaults” table under Administering Button
† This is a Read-Only feature for the SLAC.
@ Strongly recommended this
value be used.
7-8 Admnistering Voice Stations