
Does the pump Air Motor
operate when it is removed
from the Grease?
Yes? Then put the pump back in the
grease. Remove the hose from the pump
No? Check Air Inlet for Pressure,
and check Air Motor for Leaks at
the Air Nipple, Muffler or Seals.
If there are no air leaks and Air is
fully engaged at least 80 psi, take
the rubber part of a mallet and
slightly tap the front cover of the
Air Motor (41202) with the
rubber part only.
Sometimes and very rarely the
Toggle Valve sticks and needs to
be prodded off of the neutral
Does it pump grease now
when inserted in the drum?
Yes? There is a blockage in the Hose or
the Control Valve. Remove the Control
Valve from the hose and connect the hose
to the pump.
No? Return to a step above.
Does the grease pump through
the hose?
Yes? Then the blockage is in the Control
Valve. Attach the control valve to the
hose. Remove the coupler from the
Control Valve. Most likely the blockage
is at the control valve.
No? Then the blockage is in the
Does the grease pump through
the Control Valve?
Yes? There was blockage in the coupler
of the control valve. Clean the Coupler
out with Mineral Spirits.
No? There is a blockage in the
main body of the Control Valve.
Control Valve needs to be
disassembled and cleaned.
Is there Blockage in your
Lubricant Lines, Hoses,
Pumps and Control Valves
If yes, we suggest the use of a foot valve
strainer: ATD5356 (82103ME).
To prevent Blockage in the pump, hose, lubricant lines or control valve with
contaminated grease, or to prevent contaminated grease from entering your
bearings, we suggest the use of a Grease Strainer: ATD5356 (82103ME).
Has your Pump been Outside
in the elements? Has water
entered the pump?
Yes? There is a possibility that water has accumulated inside the Air Motor.
Over time this can cause damage to the Air Motor. All pumps are packed at the
factory with a water repellent grease. Over time with water accumulating
inside the Air Motor, the grease can be flushed out.
To ensure the proper operation of your Pneumatic pump, we suggest an Air
Lubricator, Moisture Evaporator and Regulator on each Pump OR at the very
least a Filter /Regulator with an automatic dump mechanism on it to purge water
out of the air.
Don’t Bang on the pump with a hammer or blunt instrument. The pumps are rugged
and made for professional and industrial use but are made of Aluminum and if any
parts are dented, it will affect the operation of the pump.
If the Air is connected to the pump, consider the pump to be live. Do not attempt to work
on the pump or the system without disconnecting the Air Inlet and relieving pressure in
the system, both air pressure and lube pressure. Make sure there are no live air pockets
in the air motor and all air has been bled from the Air Motor.
Revision: January, 2003 Version LT989B