
InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide22
Service intervals
Set the service interval for each of the components, in weeks. The default are:
Air Filter—18 weeks
Humidifier—26 weeks
Heater—52 weeks
Condensate Pump—52 weeks
Fans—52 weeks
Compressor (ACRD500 series and ACRP100 series only)—52 weeks
Enable or disable alarm generation for the service intervals for each of the unit components, then click
Apply to save your changes.
For ACRC500 and ACRP500 cooling units, configure high temperature thresholds for the rack inlet,
supply air, return air, and entering fluid temperature sensors. Valid values are 0° to 37.2°C (32° to 99°F)
for the entering fluid temperature sensors, and 0° to 100°C (32° to 212°F) for the rack inlet, supply air,
and return air sensors.
For ACRP100 and ACRP500 cooling units, configure thresholds for supply high humidity and supply
low humidity. Valid values are 0% to 100% relative humidity.
Click Apply to save your changes.
Sensor Values:
Rack Inlet Temperature — 68.5°F
Supply Air Temperature — 68.7°F
Return Air Temperature — 69.2°F
Supply Humidity — 29.3% RH
Return Humidity — 32.4% RDH
Rack Inlet High Temperature — 32.0 - 212.0 °F
Supply Air Temperature — 32.0 - 212.0 °F
Return Air Temperature — 32.0 - 212.0 °F
Supply Humidity — 35.0 - 90.0 % RH
Return Humidity — 20.0 - 50.0 % RDH