19InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide
Assign the following group setpoints and then click Apply. The setpoints for each mode must be within
the following ranges:
• Cool: 64.4–77.0°F (18.0–25.0°C)
• Supply Air: 62.6–73.4°F (17.0–23.0°C)
The following setpoints apply to the ACRP100 and ACRP500 cooling units:
• Dehumidify: 35.0–60.0% RH
• Dehumid Deadband: 2.0–10.0%
• Humidify: 25.0–50.0% RH
• Reheat: 50.0–64.4°F (10.0–18.0°C)
For ACRP100 and ACRP500 cooling units: The Supply Air setpoint must be at least 2.0°F (1.1°C)
above the Reheat setpoint. The Dehumidify setpoint must be at least 5% above the Humidify setpoint.
If the Supply Air setpoint is greater than the Cool setpoint, the cooling unit activates an alarm and resets
the Supply Air setpoint to equal the Cool setpoint.
Number of units in group. Enter the number of units in the group, then click Apply. Up to twelve
units can be configured to work as a group.
Configuration type. Select the configuration type, which is the air flow control strategy the group uses,
then click Apply:
• RACS—Rack Air Containment System. Air flow in the enclosure is controlled by a ducting
system fitted to the enclosure.
• HACS—Hot Aisle Containment System. Air flow in the room is controlled by enclosing the hot
air aisle.
• In-Row—Air flow is horizontal, to allow in-row operation of the cooling group.
Percent glycol. Enter the percentage of glycol the group uses to cool the environment. This
information is used to calculate the amount of energy (in kW) required by the unit. Percent glycol
applies only to ACRC500 and ACRP500 cooling units. Only a qualified service technician should
change the amount of glycol in the group.
PID control settings. For ACRP100 and ACRP500 cooling units. The Proportional + Integral +
Derivative (PID) control loop is used to control the output of the group. Enter the settings for the Cool
and Reheat PIDs, and the Humidify Sensitivity Band, then click Apply.
Note: The loops must be tuned after the room load is in place, and then periodically if the
room load changes. Only a qualified service technician should perform PID tuning.
For more information about PID tuning, see the Operation and Maintenance manual for
your cooling unit, available on the Utility CD or on the APC Web site, www.apc.com.