21User Guide Silcon DP300E Series 480V 400-500kVA
7OA0004 US rev. 02
Programming Parameters
4.5 Parallel programming/operation
Programming parameters for advanced parallel operation
To use the advanced parallel functions the following parameters must be pro-
1. “Station number”
2. “Highest station address”
3. “Advanced power management”
4. “APM test mode active”
5. “Battery connection”
Description of settings.
1. “Station number”
• Valid station numbers: 1-9 stating the UPS parallel address in the system.
2. “Highest station number”
• Valid station numbers: 2-9 stating the number of UPS’s in the system.
3. “Advanced power management”
• “Disabled”: Advanced power management is inactive.
• “PARALLEL+1”: Advanced power management is activated when the system
operates as PARALLEL+1, meaning that one system can be isolated without
overloading the remaining systems (N systems/UPS).
• “REDUNDANT+1”: Advanced power management is activated when the
system operates as REDUNDANT+1, meaning that one system can be
isolated without overloading the remaining systems (N systems/UPS) with
one spare system.
4. “APM test mode active”
• “No”: Stand-by time will be 24 hours - on-line time will be 48 hours * N
• “Yes”: Stand-by time will be 1 min. - on-line time will be 2 min. * N systems.
5. “Battery connection”
• “Separate”: Separate battery for this UPS.
• “Common”: Common battery in a parallel system. When this setting is
chosen, the highest battery temperature that can be found in the parallelled
systems is used (for charge voltage compensating).
Programming guide.
Example with 3 systems in parallel with separate batteries.
• Programme the station addresses 1-3: 1 for UPS 1, 2 for UPS 2 and 3 for UPS 3
• All UPS systems have to be programmed to “Highest station address” = 3.
• If APM should not be tested, “APM test mode active” must be “NO”.
• If a system is isolated due to service the station numbers must be reprogrammed
for the remaining active systems starting with number 1 and ending with max.
number of active systems. No numbers must be left out in this sequence. Fur-
thermore “Highest station address” must be changed to number of active UPS’s
in parallel.
Common battery pack is a
technical possibility.
However, APC recommend
separate battery pack due to a
higher safety degree in con-
nection with redundant/parallel
The UPS system is prepared
for both solutions.