18 User Guide Silcon DP300E Series 480V 400-500kVA
7OA0004 US rev. 02
4.3 Programming of system configuration parameters
The system configuration parameters are protected by a password because most of
them are critical for correct operation of the system.
Wrong programming can for example destroy the battery or cause loss of
output voltage during operation!!
4.3.1 System configuration parameters
Parameter Setting* Comments
Isolation trafo utility YES, NO YES if optional input isolation transformer is
Isolation trafo output YES, NO YES if optional output isolation transformer is
Delta soft start time 1, 10, 20, Input current switching in ramp function.
40 secs. Higher values used together with smaller/
unstable diesel generators
External SSW present YES, NO YES for systems with external static bypass
Normal charge voltage 438 Setting of float charge voltage at 20°C /68°F
(Aut. compensation for deviations)
Boost charge voltage 438 Setting of boost charge voltage at 20°C /68°F
(Aut. compensation for deviations)
Low battery warning 346 Warning for discharged battery
Low battery shut down 326 Switches off the system at min. permissible
battery voltage
Synchronization 0.25, 0.5, 1 Synchronisation speed. Higher values used
2, 4 Hz/sec with very unstable utility frequencies
High battery temperature 15-40°C Alarm for too high battery ambient
/59-104°F temperature
Common fault delay 0, 10, 20 Delay before the common fault alarm relay is
30 secs. activated
Reset operation mode YES, NO YES resets system locked in bypass or battery
lock operation mode caused by system failures
(Only for service personnel)
Highest station address 2-9*** Highest station address in parallel system
Station address 1-9*** Station address in parallel system
Advanced power None*** Only used in parallel system.
management (APM) Off: Advanced power management disabled.
Parallel +1: Redundant operation with all units
in operation.
Redundant +1: Redundant operation with
one unit being inactive in parallel system
APM test mode active YES, NO*** YES, if APM test mode is active (service
personnel only)
Battery connection Common, Common if common battery is used in parallel
Separate system. Separate if separate battery is used
Expected back-up 0,1-999,9 Expected back-up time for UPS in minutes,
time [min.] 5,0 when running at 100% ohmic load.
Time used by the ABM**
Battery capacity 0,1-999,9 Total battery capacity in Ah.
in [Ah] 7,0 Setting used by the ABM**
Programming parameters
** Advanced Battery Monitor
*** Viewable only in a parallel
* Text in bold letters are the
factory standard setting
Common battery pack is a
technical possibility.
However, APC recommend
separate battery pack due to a
higher safety degree in con-
nection with redundant/parallel
The UPS system is prepared
for both solutions.