bit 6 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 5 Status On/Off
bit 7 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 5 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
281) Status Byte 7
(LSB) bits 0-6: Number of Sweeps to Average (1-25, 1 implies averaging OFF)
bit 7 : Not Used
282) Reference Level Offset
(highest byte)
283) Reference Level Offset
284) Reference Level Offset
285) Reference Level Offset (lowest byte)
286) External Reference Frequency
287) Signal Standard
(higher byte)
288) Signal Standard (lower byte)
289) Channel Selection
(higher byte)
290) Channel Selection (lower byte)
291) Interference Analysis Cellular Standard
292) Interference Analysis Estimated Bandwidth (highest byte)
293) Interference Analysis Estimated Bandwidth
294) Interference Analysis Estimated Bandwidth
295) Interference Analysis Estimated Bandwidth (lowest byte)
296) Interference Analysis Frequency
(highest byte)
297) Interference Analysis Frequency
298) Interference Analysis Frequency
299) Interference Analysis Frequency (lowest byte)
300-303) Reserved
304) Trigger Type
305) Trigger Position (0 – 100%)
306) Min Sweep Time (in ms) (highest byte)
307) Min Sweep Time (in ms)
308) Min Sweep Time (in ms)
309) Min Sweep Time (in ms) (lowest byte)
310) Video Trigger Level
(highest byte)
311) Video Trigger Level
312) Video Trigger Level
313) Video Trigger Level (lowest byte)
314) Status Byte 8 (0b = Off, 1b = On)
(LSB) bits 0-1: Trace Math Operation (00b = A only, 01b = A-B, 10b = A+B)
bit 2: Max Hold On/Off
bit 3: Min Hold On/Off
bit 4: Transmission Calibration Status (Option 21 only)
bit 5: Bias Tee On/Off (Option 10 only)
bit 6: Occupied BW Measurement On/Off
bit 7: Not Used
315) Impedance (00h = 50W,0Ah=75W Anritsu Adapter, 0Ch = 75W Other Adapter)
68 Site Master PM
239 Value sent as (Value in dBm * 1000 ) + 270,000
240 byte in MHz (i.e. 20 = 20MHz)
241 Index into Standard List (use control byte #89 to retrieve the ASCII string name). “No Standard” sent as FFFEh.
242 “No Channel” is sent as FFFEh.
243 4 Standards – 00h = 1250KHZ CDMA, 01h = GSM, 02h = TDMA, 03h = AMPS, 04h = Unknown FFh = Interference
Analysis Measurement OFF
244 Scaled by Frequency Scale Factor (bytes 318-319)
245 Trigger Type – 00h = Single, 01h = Free Run, 02h = Video, 03h = External
246 Value sent as (Value in dBm * 1000 ) + 270,000