00h: Off
01h: On
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error: Invalid status or not enough memory
238 (EEh) Time Out Error
Read T1/E1 dBdsx - Control Word (A016h) (Option 50 only)
Description: Initiates a voltage measurement on the T1 board and returns the result in dBdsx. The resolution is 0.1 dB and is
offset by 350 so that only positive values are returned. For example, –5.0 dB will be reported as 300. Results less than –20
dB are not accurate to 0.1 dB and should be divided by 10.
Bytes to Follow: 2 bytes
1) dBdsx (higher byte)
2) dBdsx (lower byte)
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) Status Byte
255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Read T1/E1 Frequency - Control Word (A017h) (Option 50 only)
Description: Reports the last T1/E1 frequency measurement result in Hz if available. The DSP CPLD U80 must be version 7
or higher and the T1/E1 board version number must be 1 or higher for this measurement. The Site Master must be configured
for a BER measurement and a BER measurement must be running before this command is executed. The firmware must
version V1.88 or higher.
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns: 4 bytes
1) Frequency (highest byte)
2) Frequency
3) Frequency
4) Frequency (lowest byte)
Read T1/E1 Frequency Cal - Control Word (A018h) (Option 50 only)
Description: Reports the current T1/E1 frequency calibration setting. The value is in Hz offset from 0 by 100, with a range of
0 to 200 Hz (equivalent to ± 100 Hz).
Bytes to Follow: 0 bytes
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) Frequency calibration setting in Hz.
Set T1/E1 Frequency Cal - Control Word (A019h) (Option 50 only)
Description: Sets the T1/E1 frequency calibration value. The value is in Hz offset from 0 by 100, with a range of 0 to 200
Hz (equivalent to ± 100 Hz).
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Frequency Calibration Setting in Hz
102 Site Master PM