7. Set the MS2602A RF attenuator to 25 dB with the same setup as in STEP 6.
8. Record the marker level displayed. (Mb-8)
9. Setting the MG3641A/MG3642A output level down to -28 dBm, repeat the measurement and record the
marker level displayed. (Mb-13 to Mb-28)
Where, always set the MS2602A reference level to the larger level by 5 dB than the MG3641A/
MG3642A output level.
10. Set the MS2602A RF attenuator to 5 dB with the same setup as in STEP 9.
11. Record the marker level displayed. (Mc-28)
12. Setting the MG3641A/MG3642A output level down to -48 dBm, repeat the measurement and record the
marker level displayed. (Mc-33 to Mc-48)
Where, always set the MS2602A reference level to the larger level by 5 dB than the MG3641A/
MG3642A output level.
13. Set the MS2602A RF attenuator to 25 dB and reference level to -3 dBm, and set the pre-amplifier as
shown in Fig.7-3.
14. Record the marker level displayed. (Md-48)
15. Setting the MG3641A/MG3642A output level down to -68 dBm, repeat the measurement and record the
marker level displayed. (Md-53 to Md-68)
Where, always set the MS2602A reference level to the larger level by 45 dB than the MG3641A/
MG3642A output level.
16. Set the MS2602A RF attenuator to 5 dB with the same setup as in STEP 15.
17. Record the marker level displayed. (Me-68)
18. Setting the MG3641A/MG3642A output level down to -143 dBm, repeat the measurement and record
the marker level displayed. (Me-73 to Me-143)
Where, always set the MS2602A reference level to the larger level by 45 dB than the MG3641A/
MG3642A output level. However, at -143 dBm measurement, set the MS2602A reference level
to -93 dBm.
At ≤ -118 dBm measurement, perform the measurement with video averaging(10 times) to improve S/N.
19. Calculate the output level accuracy using the calculation sheet in Appendix E.
(5) Note on test
Above mentioned method uses the settings which minimize the internal error of the MS2602A. So, if any other
spectrum analyzer is used, the measurement accuracy cannot be expected.
On some measurement frequencies, the test may not be performed with enough accuracy because of the internal
residual response and an external noise. In this case, shift the measurement frequency.
Since above mentioned method uses the very narrow RBW of the MS2602A, the frequency error occurs if the
frequency drifts. So, heat run the MG3641A/MG3642A and the MS2602A.