6.5.5 SCPI error messages
SCPI prescribes the error codes and messages as responses to an SCPI command :SYSTem:ERRor?.
This paragraph explains the MG3641A/MG3642A error messages in detail.
(1) Command error group
Error codes –100 to –199 indicate that an IEEE488.2 syntax error occurred. Bit 5 in the standard event status
register of this device is set when an error occurs at report of the events below.
• At reception of a message unmatching the IEEE488.2 standard
• At reception of a header unmatching the standard of the device commands and common commands
• At sending of a group execute trigger (GET) in a program message
Error code Message Error detection conditions
–101 Invalid character A header or parameter contains an invalid character.
–104 Data type error An invalid type is specified for the parameter.
–105 GET not allowed A group execute trigger was sent into the program
–112 Program mnemonic too long The program mnemonic is specified with 12 or more
–113 Undefined header The header syntax is correct, but it is not defined in
the device.
–120 Numeric data error An error was detected in the numeric data.
–121 Invalid character in number An invalid character is specified in the numeric data.
–130 Suffix error A suffix error was detected.
Error code Message Error detection conditions
–144 Character data too long Character data is specified with 12 or more characters.
–150 String data error Invalid string data is specified.
(2) Execution error group
Error codes –200 to –299 indicate that an error occurred in the execution control unit of the device. Bit 4 in the
standard event status register of the device is set when an error occurs at report of the events below.
• Invalid <program data> follows the header.
• The program message cannot be executed by the device state.
Error code Message Error detection conditions
–220 Parameter error An error was detected in the parameter.
–222 Data out of range The specified numeric data exceeds the typical value
of the device.
–223 Too much data The string data length exceeds the specified value.
–224 Illegal parameter value The received parameter is unusable.
–240 Hardware error The command cannot be executed because of a hard-
ware fault.
–241 Hardware missing The command cannot be executed because no option
is specified.