Kindle User’s Guide 42
Chapter 3 Reading on Kindle
To pick the text size, typeface, or line spacing that you want to use while reading, follow
these steps:
1. Press the Text key located on the bottom row of the keyboard.
2. Use the 5-way to select the new text size, typeface, or line spacing that you want to use
(you see the changes immediately).
3. Press the 5-way or the Text key to confirm your choice.
Adjusting the Number of Words per Line
You can change the number of words per line in the book, periodical, or converted personal
document you are currently reading to suit your reading preference. Adjusting the number
of words increases or decreases the size of the margins. You may find you read faster with
fewer words per line. Experiment to find what works best for you.
To pick the number of words per line you prefer, follow these steps:
1. Press the Text key located on the bottom row of the keyboard.
2. Use the 5-way to underline the Words per Line options.
3. Choose the option you want to use (you see the change immediately).
4. Press the 5-way or the Text key to confirm your choice.
Note: You cannot change the number of words per line in PDF files or in Web Browser.
Increasing the Size of a Picture
If you’d like to see a larger size of a picture or image you encounter in your reading material,
simply follow these steps to zoom temporarily on the image.
1. Use the 5-way controller to position the cursor over the picture.
2. An image of a magnifying glass with a plus sign will appear on top of the picture.
3. Press the 5-way to zoom the image. You will see a expanded view of the picture that rotates
if necessary to maximize the use of the display.
4. Press the 5-way (or any key or button, except the Home button) to return to your content.
3.3 Moving from Place to Place
There are several ways for you to get from place to place once you have opened your
reading material. Most often you will turn pages using the Next Page and Previous Page
buttons (described in Chapter 1). You can also get around inside your book or periodical by
selecting locations from the item’s Menu, clicking on links in the content, or by using the
5-way controller to go to the next or previous article or chapter.
Using the Menu to Get Around
To go to the menu, press the Menu button when reading a book or periodical. You will have
slightly different options depending on the content you are reading. Examples of the menu
options are described below.