
Installing StorNext FS on Windows 4-5
A custom StorNext FS configuration assumes the following:
More than one stripe group.
More than ten users accessing a machine that is used as a dedicated server. For more
information, see “Dedicated Setup” in the StorNext Management Suite System
Administrator Guide.
Use the following procedure to configure a custom file system to be managed by StorNext FS.
Step 1 If you have been running a simple configuration, disable the simple file system by
selecting Start > Programs > StorNext File System > File System Administrator, stop
file_system_name, and select Quit.
Step 2 Create the fsnameservers file by selecting Start > Control Panel >
StorNext File System icon.
Step 3 Click the fsnameservers tab.
Step 4 Add the IP address of the StorNext FS server to the right-hand box and click Add.
The fsnameservers file must be present on the StorNext FS server and on all
StorNext FS clients.
Step 5 Create a custom StorNext FS-managed file system by clicking Start and selecting
Programs > StorNext File System > Configuration Administrator.
Step 6 Click New Configuration and fill out the appropriate information for each window tab.
For more information, refer to the Help menu.
Step 7 Save and name the file with an identifiable name using the following format.
Step 8 Close the Configuration Administrator by clicking Exit.
Custom Configuration
For information about failover environments, refer to the StorNext Management
Suite System Administrator Guide.
Make sure you have a file_system_name.cfg file for each uniquely named
StorNext File System on the StorNext FS server.