2-8 6-00360-04 Rev A
The Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW) screen (see Figure 2-6) appears and will guide
you through the complete configuration of the StorNext software.
The Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW) guides you step-by-step through the process of configuring
the SNMS software. The first page of the ICW lists seven configuration steps that must be
completed in sequence. Text for the active step appears in a different color. It is followed by the
word Completed when the step is done. Until all seven configuration steps are completed, the ICW
opens every time the StorNext Management Suite GUI is refreshed.
Each configuration step also contains its own wizard that leads you through a set of screens for that
step. You must continue through all the screens for a configuration step before the step is
completed. For example, you must complete all the screens associated with Step 1: Enter License
before you can continue to Step 2: Add File System. When you are finished with a step, click Done
to continue to the next step. After a step is completed, you cannot return to the previous step.
You should first complete the ICW for licensing and configuring your
software before you use the StorNext Management Suite GUI. If you
work on the GUI before completing the ICW, file system failures will
Using the Initial Configuration Wizard