
The transmitter contains delicate electronic circuitry. Do not subject to
excessive shock, heat, or immersion in water.
Replace the batteries when you here a burst of rapid beeps from the
CAT21 system upon use of the transmitter. The transmitter uses
2 x CR2016 batteries.
NNeeww TTrraannssmmiitttteerrss
New transmitters are available directly from Acumen Electronics Ltd or
from your installer. The system can only recognise two remotes at any
one time.
MMoottoorrccyyccllee BBaatttteerryy
The CAT21 system incorporates a sleep mode (see section 15) to
protect the motorcycle battery from deep discharge. Should you wish
to use an intelligent float charger, we recommend the use of the
Acumax 900 charger, available from Acumen Electronics Ltd.
GGeenneerraall SSeeccuurriittyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss..
While the Acumen CAT21 provides state of the art electronic security
and protection, it will not, by itself, ensure your motorcycle will not be
stolen. We recommend you undertake basic security precautions such
Parking in a locked garage if possible,
Parking in well lit areas if a garage is not applicable,
Using a bike cover where appropriate,
Using a chain or shackle and ground anchor.
SSppaarreess && AAcccceessssoorriieess
Acumen can supply a range of spares & accessories to enhance the
features of the CAT21 system,
1. Spare and replacement remote transmitters and batteries
2. Different coloured System LED’s to match your motorcycle (Green,
Red, White, Blue, Yellow)
3. Acumax 900 Intelligent ‘float’ battery charger
4. Extra, external sirens. (If your CAT21 system is ‘buried’ in the
motorcycle, the audible warning may not be as loud as you would
like. This extra siren will allow to position it where the sound can
get out.)
5. Pager. If your alarm is triggered while you are out of earshot, the
pager will let you know. It will tell you if you are in range, and has
three trigger circuits.
6. Additional magnet sensors (such as seat, or link to your garage
WWaarrrraannttyy tteerrmmss aanndd CCoonnddiittiioonnss
Full details are given in the Terms and Conditions document.