
The Acumen CAT21 is manufactured using automotive specification
parts, including a waterproof connector, and is fully encapsulated to
provide protection against water and vibration. The system relies on
various signals to make it function correctly and any one of these
signals may cause false reactions.
FFaallssee aallaarrmmss;; EEnntteerr ddiiaaggnnoossttiicc mmooddee ttoo sseeee wwhhyy tthhee aallaarrmm hhaass
2 beeps. Blown fuse - Replace. If it blows again contact the installing
3 beeps. The unit has detected an ‘hotwire’ signal.
4 beeps. The movement or nudge sensor has reacted. Enter
Convenience Mode (Section 2) to remove this function until the
problem is sorted.
5 beeps. Anti tamper switch - ensure it is mounted correctly.
SSyysstteemm ccaannnnoott bbee aarrmmeedd oorr ddiissaarrmmeedd bbyy tthhee rreemmoottee ttrraannssmmiitttteerr
1. Check the ignition switch is in the off position
2. Check the system fuse
3. Check you are within normal operating range of the motorcycle
(10 metres max)
4. Check the condition of the transmitter battery
5. The transmitter can be affected by other radio sources. This
problem can usually be overcome by placing the transmitter as
close as possible to the alarm system. Alternatively, you can move
the motorcycle a distance which will reduce the affect of the
interference. In this event you can disarm the system by using the