Network Settings
41-001160-01, Rev 00, Releaes 2.3 4-45
Configuring Network and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Features
5 If you require the download of User-provided certificates in a .PEM formatted file, enter the file
name in the format <filename.pem> in the “Trusted Certificates Filename” field. For example:
This parameter specifies a file name for a .PEM file located on the configuration server. This file
contains the User-provided certificates in PEM format. These certificates are used to validate peer
1. You must disable the “Validate Certificates” field in order for the phone to accept the
User-provided certificates.
2. This parameter requires you restart the phone in order for it to take affect.
6 Click to save your changes.
7 If you entered a filename in the “Trusted Certificates Filename” field, click on Operation->Reset,
and restart the phone for the changes to take affect.
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