Administrator Level Options
41-001160-01, Rev 00, Releaes 2.3 3-41
Administrator Options
LLDP Support LLDP lldp Enables or disables Link Layer
Discovery Protocol for Media
Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED) on
the IP Phone.
Caution: In Release 2.3 and later,
LLDP is enabled by default. If LLDP
is enabled on your network, the
phones may come up with different
network settings.
For more information on this
feature, see “Link Layer Discovery
Protocol for Media Endpoint
Devices (LLDP-MED) and
Emergency Location Identification
Number (ELIN)” on page 5-93.
N/A LLDP Packet Interval lldp interval The amount of time, in seconds,
between the transmission of LLDP
Data Unit (LLDPDU) packets. The
value of zero (0) disables this
Caution: In Release 2.3 and later,
LLDP is enabled by default. If LLDP
is enabled on your network, the
phones may come up with different
network settings.
For more information on this
feature, see “Link Layer Discovery
Protocol for Media Endpoint
Devices (LLDP-MED) and
Emergency Location Identification
Number (ELIN)” on page 5-93.
Parameter In
IP Phone UI
Parameter in
Aastra Web UI
Parameters in
Configuration Files