116 Model 53i IP Phone User Guide
Additional Features
Additional Features
This section describes additional features you can use on the 53i phone.
Star Codes
All of the main call handling and extension management features for your system can
be set up as speed dials on programmable keys on your phone. Contact your System
Administrator for more information.
If these have not been set up, you can dial any star code commands on the 53i phone
the same way you would on a regular telephone.
Suppress DTMF Playback
A feature on the IP phones allows you to enable or disable the suppression of DTMF
playback when a number is dialed from the programmable keys.
When suppression of DTMF playback is disabled, and you press a programmable
key, the IP phone dials the stored number and displays each digit as dialed in the
LCD window.
When the suppression of DTMF playback is enabled, the IP phone dials the stored
number and displays the entire number immediately in the LCD window, allowing
the call to be dialed faster.
DTMF playback suppression is disabled by default. Suppressing DTMF playback
can be configured using the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Suppression of DTMF Playback
Use the following procedure to configure suppression of DTMF playback.
1. Click on Basic Settings->Preferences.
2. Go to the "General" section
3. Enable the "Suppress DTMF Playback" field by checking the check box. (Dis-
able this field by unchecking the box). Default is disabled.
4. Click to save your settings.
Aastra Web UI
Note: "Suppress DTMF Playback" is disabled by default.