Model 53i IP Phone User Guide 115
Managing Calls
The Voicemail feature on the 53i IP phone allows you to use a line, configured with a
phone number for dialing out, to connect to a voicemail server.
For each assigned Voicemail number, there can be a minimum of 0 or a maximum of
1 Voicemail access phone number.
The Voicemail list displays a list of phone numbers assigned to the53i that have
registered voicemail accounts associated with them.
The phone displays up to 99 voicemail messages for an account even if the number of
voicemails exceeds the limit.
Registered account numbers/URIs that exceed the length of the screen, either with or
without the voicemail icon and the message count, are truncated with an ellipse
character at the end of the number/URI string.
The end of the Voicemail list displays the number of new voicemail messages (if any
Contact your System Administrator for lines configured for Voicemail.
Using Voicemail
1. Press the key on the phone that your System Administrator set up to access voice-
mail. After pressing the key, the phone dials to access the voicemail server.
2. Use the keys to scroll through the line items in the Voicemail list.
3. When you have selected a line item, press the handsfree key, Scroll
Right key, or press a line softkey to make an outgoing call using the voicemail
access phone number associated with the line for which the voicemail account is
From a selected item in the Voicemail list, you can also lift the handset (go off-
hook) to make an outgoing call using the voicemail access phone number.
Note: The Voicemail list does not display the voicemail access number.
IP Phone UI