How to Update Your Daily Weight
The Program reminds you to update your weight daily. If you want to change the reminder from daily to weekly, see Weight Diary
Settings in the section
Diary Settings for the Weight Management Program in WM42/WM41 / Weight Diary Settings
, page 110.
Update your current weight in the wrist unit and check it against the assigned target weight in the Weight Diary.
It is recommended that you always weigh yourself with the same scale at the same time of day, preferably in the morning
before breakfast.
1. Press the button to open the reminder message. If you do not want to update your
weight, press the Back button and the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display.
2. The wrist unit prompts you to update your weight.
Decrease the value with button or increase the value with button.
Press OK or to cancel the updating of your weight press the Back button.
Weight Updated is displayed and the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display.
You can update your weight any time of the day by pressing OK in the Weight Diary. Decrease the value with
button or increase the value with button. Press OK to update your weight.
If your weight change since the previous week’s average is greater than +/- 2 kg/4.4 lbs., the wrist unit
prompts you to confirm this change. Press the Back button to cancel your update and readjust it, or press OK
to accept your update.
If you have achieved your target weight, see the section Achieving Your Weight Loss Target, page 91.