R 2 5
Zeroing the exercising values, ending the
exercise and return into main display
Measuring the recovery heart rate
Starting and interrupting the exercise
5. OFF
Puts the meter immediately to the sleep mode.
1. Performance speed (/min)
Strokes per minute. The column underneath
also shows the stroke speed.
2. Exercise duration
00:00-99:59; measuring at 1 second intervals,
h1:40-h9:59 measuring at 1 minute intervals.
3. Heart rate during exercise
The symbol of a heart blinks simultaneously
with your own heart rate during the exercise.
The arrow signs show if the heart rate exceeds
or surpasses the set values.
4. Exercise trip length (km/mile)
O0.0 – 99.99 km / miles
5. Exercise speed (kmh/mph)
00.0-99.9 kmh / mph
6. Energy consumption (Kcal
Estimated total energy consumption during the
exercise, 0 –9999 kcal
7. Clock (Clock)
Real time clock
8. Thermometer (Temp C / Temp F)
Measures the room temperature either in
Celsius or Fahrenheit
9. Hygrometer (Humidity %)
Measures the room humidity, 0-100%.
10. Display of main values
The chosen exercise value shows in large
numbers in the middle of the console; other
values are shown in the upper row displays.
11. Display of an exercise profile
The profile of a preprogrammed exercise
12. Display of the cumulative heart rate
If the heart rate is measured during the
exercise, the display shows the profile of the
heart rate formed during the exercise.
13. Change of batteries (Battery low)
A warning sign is displayed before the change
of batteries.
The console is turned on by pressing any key. It
the device has not been used for five minuts, it
automatically switches itself to main display.
Select the desired measuring unit with the
switch behind the console. You can select either
metric (km, km/h, Celsius) or English (miles,
mph, Fahrenheit) units.
After pressing ENTER+RESET for 2 seconds, the
meter restarts and you can use SELECTION DIAL
to set the time.
In manual exercise, you can adjust resistance
level during exercise from the control knob.
1. You can start the exercise immediately
by pressing START/STOP button. Adjust the
resistance level during exercise from the control
2. You can start exercising by setting goal
values. Press an arrow key until under the main
number display is shown the text ”Manual”.
3. Press the ENTER key after which you can set
the goal values.
4. TIME = select the desired exercise duration
with +/-. Switch to the following step by
pressing the ENTER key.
5. DISTANCE = select the desired distance with
+ / -. Switch to the following step by pressing
the ENTER key.
6. KCAL= select the goal value of energy
consumption with + / -. Switch to the following
step by pressing the ENTER key.
7. PULSE = set the heart rate an upper limit
with + / - : the display shows a heart symbol
and an arrow upwards. Press the ENTER key
to switch to setting the heart rate a lower
limit. The display shows a heart and an arrow
downwards. Set the lower limit with + / -. If your
heart rate exceeds these limits, the limit value
in question blinks in the display. To switch back
to setting the exercise duration (TIME), press
the ENTER key.
8. You can start exercising by pressing the
START/STOP key. Start rowing and adjust the
resistance if necessary during the exercise.
9. You can interrupt the exercise by pressing
START/STOP (”Over” is shown in the display).
The program information stays in the console
memory for five minutes. If you resume with
training within this time, simply press the
START/STOP key again to continue.
10. You can stop exercising by pressing RESET
when the console is in the pause mode.
11. If you have set a goal value, the console
gives a signal and the displayed value starts
blinking after the goal has been reached. Reset
the display by first pressing START/STOP and
thereafter RESET.
Measure your recovery pulse rate at the end of
the workout.
1. To start the measuring of the recovery pulse