TIP: Your watch would be a great tool for orienteering. You can use
your compass to navigate way points and if you participate in an
orienteering race, you can time yourself using the chronograph
(see next section).
Your watch includes a chronograph, which is a stopwatch function. The chrono
can track up to 100 hours and 99 laps. The data you collect while running the
chronograph can then be used to check your progress in Review Mode.
(See page 30 for more information about Review Mode).
Most watch buttons have multiple functions in Chrono Mode. Use the table
along with your watch to explore the options.
4. Press START/SPLIT or STOP/RESET to increase or decrease setting values to
match your chosen declination angle.
5. Press MODE to advance to the next setting option.
6. Press SET to finish.
If you see CAL OK at the end of the calibration process you have successfully
calibrated the compass. If you see CAL FAIL, repeat the calibration process.
ATTENTION: Calibration may fail if you rotate the watch too quickly or
take longer than one minute to complete. Calibration may also fail if
you are near objects that are magnetic.
Using the Compass
After you have calibrated your compass, you will see the current compass
heading, cardinal points, and the digital compass needle when you enter Compass
Mode. After 30 seconds the compass reading times out and disappears from the
watch display to preserve battery life. Press START/SPLIT to display the current
heading for another 30 seconds.
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