Timex W207 Watch User Manual

5) Place watch on flat surface and rotate slowly 90° to find best reception. Leave watch in that
position until reception complete.
6) Receiver icon stops flashing at end of reception period. This may take a few minutes. Receiver icon
indicates result:
If reception fails, try to improve reception using tips above. If unsuccessful, watch may be set
manually using procedure below.
Setting procedure below is necessary to set watch’s city (time zone) and options. Time and date set-
ting are only necessary if automatic setting by radio broadcast is unsuccessful.
To set time, date, and options:
1) With time and day showing, press and hold SET.
2) City code flashes. Press START/STOP to select city that represents your time zone. See table
below for city codes.
3) Press MODE. DST (daylight savings time) setting flashes. Press START/STOP to select AUTO (obey
setting in radio signal), ON, or OFF (disregarding setting in radio signal for ON/OFF).
4) Press MODE. Hour flashes. Press START/STOP to change hour (including AM/PM); hold button to
scan values
5) Press MODE. Minutes flash. Press START/STOP to change minutes
6) Press MODE. Seconds flash. Press START/STOP to set seconds to zero.
7) Press MODE. Year flashes. Press START/STOP to change year.
8) Press MODE. Month flashes. Press START/STOP to change month.
9) Press MODE. Day flashes. Press START/STOP to change day.
10) Press MODE. Date flashes. Press START/STOP to select M-D (month-day) or D-M (day-month) for-
11) Press MODE. Hourly chime setting flashes. Press START/STOP to select ON/OFF. When ON is
selected, watch chimes on every hour.
12) Press MODE. Button beep setting flashes. Press START/STOP to select ON/OFF. When ON is
selected, watch beeps for every button press.
13) Press SET, at any step, when done setting.
Press and hold MODE to switch between 12- and 24-hour time format.
Press SET to view date. Year is at top of display and date is below.
Press RECEIVE to view current city.
Press and hold RECEIVE to begin manual reception of time signal, as described in ATOMIC CLOCK
City Code City Zone Signal
M D Y M i d w a y - 1 1 -
H N L H o n o l u l u - 1 0 -
A N C A n c h o ra g e - 9 -
L A X Los A n g e l e s - 8 W W V B
D E N D e n v e r - 7 W W V B
C H I C h i c a g o - 6 W W V B
N Y C New Yo r k - 5 W W V B
C C S C a ra c a s - 4 -
B S B B ra s i l i a - 3 -
- 2 H Mid Atlantic Region - 2 -
- 1 H Cape Ve r d e,A z o r e s - 1 -
L O N L o n d o n 0 M S F
B E R B e r l i n + 1 D C F 7 7
C A I C a i r o + 2 -
M O W M o s c o w + 3 -
D X B D u b a i + 4 -
K H I K a ra c h i + 5 -
DA C D a c c a + 6 -
B K K B a n g k o k + 7 -
S H A S h a n g h a i + 8 J J Y
T YO To k y o + 9 J J Y
S Y D S y d n e y + 1 0 -
N O U N o u m e a + 1 1 -
W L G We l l i n g t o n + 1 2 -
Last reception successful
Last reception failed, but successful reception occurred in the past 7 days
No successful reception in the past 7 days