Lowest Highest Default
Item Value Value Value Meaning
CW Prog 0 65535 0 Number of times the Continuous Watts Program was run since last reset.
Alpine 0 65535 0 Number of times the Alpine Pass Program was run since last reset.
Rndm Prog 0 65535 0 Number of times the Random Hill Program was run since last reset.
UB Revs 0 65335 0 Number of times the upper body system completed a full revolution.
Comm Lost 0 65535 0 Number of times a “Communication Lost” condition occurred since last reset.
Key Down 0 65535 0 Number of times a “Key Down” condition occurred since last reset.
BATT LOW 0 65535 0 Number of times battery voltage measured between 5.3 and 5.7 volts.
REPL BATT 0 65535 0 Number of times battery voltage measured below 5.3 volts.
LED Test N/A N/A N/A Access to integral LED test function (for use by authorized Maintenance
Keypad Test N/A N/A N/A Access to integral keypad test function (for use by authorized Maintenance
Heart Rate N/A N/A N/A Access to integral heart rate system test function (for use by authorized
Test Maintenance Technician).
FAN TEST N/A N/A N/A Access to integral FAN TEST function(for use by authorized Maintenance
CSAFE TEST N/A N/A N/A Access to integral CSAFE TEST function (for use by authorized Maintenance
Measurements N/A N/A N/A Access to integral Measurements function (for use by authorized Maintenance
UB N/A N/A N/A Access to integral Upper Body system calibration function (for use by author
CALIBRATION ized Maintenance Technician).
STAR TRAC E SERIES TOTAL BODY TRAINERS perform a self-test at the beginning of every workout. If a problem is detected, a
message displays before or after the workout, depending on the nature of the problem. Star Trac recommends that you refer your ques-
tions about your STAR TRAC E SERIES TOTAL BODY TRAINER operation and suspected malfunctions to Star Trac’s Service Hotline
at (800) 503-1221, or USA 1-714-669-1660.
The following messages are displayed if the associated problem is detected during self-test.
Key Down - One or more keys on the display panel are stuck in the “on” position. This can occur if a user presses keys before
the system is turned on, or if a key is held down for more than 10 seconds. Call Star Trac Product Support for assistance if the
Key Down message continues to display.