10 VIAspire Oxygen Portable Manual 300P-LT07 REV 0 300P-LT07 REV 0 VIAspire Oxygen Portable Manual 11
Selecting the Oxygen Delivery Mode
The VIAspire Portables 300 and 600 automatically dose in
two modes of pulsed oxygen delivery as well as continuous
fl ow modes.
When you are resting and your breath rate is slower, the
VIAspire Portable 300 and/or 600 are designed to deliver
oxygen at the lowest fl ow rate possible. This minimizes
nasal dryness and also results in quieter therapy. If you
notice a change in the velocity of oxygen on each breath, or
a quieter delivery of oxygen, you have probably slowed down
your breathing pattern and the SmartDose Technology has
adjusted the fl ow of oxygen to the appropriate level.
Sport Delivery Mode with SmartDose technology
The VIAspire Portables 300 and 600 have SmartDose tech-
nology, which will track your breath rate to determine if you
are exerting more energy and therefore may need additional
oxygen. When you are at rest, the VIAspire Portables 300
and 600 will deliver a resting volume of oxygen. As you
begin to exert, your breath rate will climb, and the portable
will deliver additional oxygen.
While many oxygen portables require the patient to turn the
oxygen fl ow rate selector knob up and down as they move
and rest, the VIAspire Portables 300 and 600 will adjust
oxygen volumes to your needs automatically.
When the portable is full, close the
valve. You will know that it is full
when the hissing sound changes
tone, and some liquid comes out of
the vent line.
7 Lift the portable off of the VIAspire Liquefi er.
If the portable does not separate easily, do not use force.
The VIAspire Liquefi er and Portable may be frozen together,
which sometimes occurs. A slight twisting motion will
release them.
Wait until the units warm up for 3 to 5 minutes, and then
they will separate with slight effort.
Do not touch any frosted parts.
If any liquid is leaking from the liquefi er reservoir or the
VIAspire Portable after separation, reattach the portable
immediately, then separate the units again.
If liquid continues to leak, leave the units connected and call
your medical equipment provider.
8 Close the Coupler Access Door. After a short period of time,
the VIAspire Liquefi er will begin liquefying to replenish the
liquid oxygen level.
Should any excessive leakage occur, to the point that
a stream of liquid is present, leave the area and call
your medical equipment provider immediately.
Liquid or cold gaseous oxygen can cause frostbite on
the skin. Oxygen will result in increased fi re hazard.
For additional information and instructions on
proper use of your VIAspire Liquefi er, refer to the
user guide that came with it.